Fysiek belastend werk kan nare gevolgen hebben voor het lichaam van een werknemer. Er zijn veel verschillende manieren om om te gaan met fysiek belastend werk. Lees in dit praktijkverhaal van Océ hoe zij zijn omgegaan met fysieke belastend werk.
Participate in prevention at Oce
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Participate in prevention at Oce
Participeren in preventie bij Oce
Physically demanding work can have nasty consequences for the body of an employee. There are many different ways to deal with physically demanding work. Read in this Océ practical story how they have dealt with physically demanding work.
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Language of original language description
Other data
Awkward postures
Fast-paced work
Forceful movements
Manual handling of loads
Poor work organisation
Repetitive movements/work
Static postures - sitting
Static postures - standing
Using Display Screen Equipment
Health effects
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Prevention measures
Improving individual working techniques (e.g manual handling postures)
Worker participation
Training/guidance (for workers)
Purpose of the material
General information
Awareness raising
Target audience