Painpoint – prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) at work

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Painpoint – prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) at work

Painpoint – prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) at work

Type of item
Visual resources
Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario (OHSCO)
Provider (Original)
Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario (OHSCO)


This app was created to provide a very basic ergonomic assessment by running through a series of diagrams and questions to pinpoint musculoskeletal pain, identify possible sources, and discover practical solutions - right from your smartphone! The results are depicted on a body map, with recommendations to address work-related MSD hazards that could be contributing to your discomfort. No personal data is collected, but summary results can be shared with others (at your discretion) in order to report hazards or foster solutions. While a professional ergonomic assessment is considered the most effective way to address work-related discomfort, this app is a good first step to help you recognize the signs of MSDs and take action for prevention.


This app was created to provide a very basic ergonomic assessment by running through a series of diagrams and questions to pinpoint musculoskeletal pain, identify possible sources, and discover practical solutions - right from your smartphone! The results are depicted on a body map, with recommendations to address work-related MSD hazards that could be contributing to your discomfort. No personal data is collected, but summary results can be shared with others (at your discretion) in order to report hazards or foster solutions. While a professional ergonomic assessment is considered the most effective way to address work-related discomfort, this app is a good first step to help you recognize the signs of MSDs and take action for prevention.


Access tool

Language of original language description


Other data

Health effects
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Purpose of the material
Risk assessment
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)
Type of visual resource