Transfer von Personen in der Pflege - Beurteilung der körperlichen Belastung: Mit diesem Hilfsmittel können Sie einschätzen, ob der Gesundheitsschutz der Pflegenden bei Transfer und Mobilisation gewährleistet ist. Es eignet sich für den stationären und den ambulanten Bereich.
Manual Patient Handling - assessment of physical stress
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Manual Patient Handling - assessment of physical stress
Transfer von Personen in der Pflege - Beurteilung der körperlichen Belastung
Manual patient handling is one of the major occupational risks for healthcare workers. Of primary concern are back injuries and shoulder strains, which can both, be severely debilitating. There are several factors, which make patient handling activities hazardous and hereby increase the risk of injury. This tool helps you to assess the manual handling of patients and to take care of safe handling techniques for health care workers.
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Language of original language description
Other data
Manual handling of loads
Health effects
Back pain or injury
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Prevention measures
Improving individual working techniques (e.g manual handling postures)
Purpose of the material
Risk assessment
Target audience
Occupational health physician
Type of visual resource