Teachers and schools can play a major role in helping children and adolescents with arthritis to manage their condition and get the most out of their lives. Ensuring the student with arthritis is included, and feels included, in school activities is one of the best ways to overcome feelings of not belonging. The teacher’s guide for practical tips on how to support children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) throughout their school years provides you with information and tips.
Juvenile Arthritis - A Teacher's Guide
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Juvenile Arthritis - A Teacher's Guide
Juvenile Arthritis - A Teacher's Guide
Teachers and schools can play a major role in helping children and adolescents with arthritis to manage their condition and get the most out of their lives. Ensuring the student with arthritis is included, and feels included, in school activities is one of the best ways to overcome feelings of not belonging. The teacher’s guide for practical tips on how to support children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) throughout their school years provides you with information and tips.
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Working with an existing MSD condition/disease
Health effects
Worsening of existing (chronic) condition
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Children / schoolchildren
Sufferer of an MSK disorder or disease
Prevention measures
Adjustments/support for chronic MSD disorder/disease/pain suffers
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Target audience
Type of visual resource