Ergonomics: strategies to reduce MSD hazards and improve workplace performance
Ergonomics: strategies to reduce MSD hazards and improve workplace performance
This info sheet gives different strategies to reduce MSD hazards and improve workplace performance. It contains of three main principles:
- Ten ways to keep MSDs at bay
- Information on how gender can effect MSDs
- Low-tech, low-cost ergonomics solutions especially for small businesses.
This info sheet gives different strategies to reduce MSD hazards and improve workplace performance. It contains of three main principles:
- Ten ways to keep MSDs at bay
- Information on how gender can effect MSDs
- Low-tech, low-cost ergonomics solutions especially for small businesses.
Other data
Sector / Indrustry covered
Forceful movements
Manual handling of loads
Static postures - sitting
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Prevention measures
Improving individual working techniques (e.g manual handling postures)
Simple tips and measures
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)