Questo factsheet contiene indicazioni utili per la prevenzione di disturbi muscoloscheletrici come mal di schiena, dolore al collo e alle spalle, che sono molto frequenti tra gli studenti con la finalita garantire un rientro a scuola in linea con le recenti disposizioni per prevenire il contagio da COVID-19.
Anti-Covid-19 provisions and school ergonomics
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Anti-Covid-19 provisions and school ergonomics
Disposizioni anti Covid-19 ed ergonomia scolastica
This factsheet contains useful information for the prevention of MSDs such as back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain, which are very common among students, with the aim of ensuring a return to school in line with the recent regulations to prevent COVID-19 infection.
Access tool
Language of original language description
Other data
Awkward postures
Static postures - sitting
Using Display Screen Equipment
Health effects
Back pain or injury
Upper limb disorders
Lower limb disorders
Neck and shoulder disorders
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Children / schoolchildren
Prevention measures
Improving individual working techniques (e.g manual handling postures)
Simple tips and measures
Purpose of the material
General information
Awareness raising
Target audience