Human risk assessment of single exposure in chemical incidents
The RIVM report analyses current approaches on risk assessment and risk management in the context of chemical incident prevention. Scenarios are developed for new and high-risk workplaces to derive incident prevention and response measures. Recommendations and policy questions regarding European guidance and reference values are drawn up.
The release of chemicals from their containment, whether accidentally or deliberately, is one of the most relevant risk scenarios in Europe. A human health risk assessment is a prerequisite for chemical incident prevention, preparedness and response. European guidance and harmonised Acute Exposure Reference Values (AERVs) are urgently needed for effective human health risk assessment in the context of chemical incidents.
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Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), methane, manure; carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen, biofuels, pesticides, biocides, volatile organic solvents, cholinesterase inhibitors, organophosphates