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EU-OSHA's progress towards its strategic objectives: highlights from the Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2023

Three construction workers wearing light green vests and yellow helmets working during the day.

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With very high budget and work programme implementation in 2023, EU-OSHA kept on playing a significant role in fostering occupational safety and health (OSH) in the European Union and advancing the objectives of the 2021-27 EU OSH Strategic Framework. The 2023 Consolidated Annual Activity Report includes the agency’s most relevant policy achievements, main highlights from the activities as well as the positive results from key performance indicators, by and large exceeding the ambitious targets. 

Key highlights from the activities in 2023 include research on the health and social care sector and digitalisation of work to provide knowledge for policy-makers, as well as the launch of the EU-wide campaign ‘Safe and healthy work in the digital age’. Other milestones were the publication of the first findings of the Workers’ exposure survey to cancer risks factors and the finalisation of the foresight activity on the circular economy.  The Agency published the first report ‘Occupational safety and health in Europe: state and trends 2023’  based on OSH Barometer data. 

Explore the full 2023 Consolidated Annual Activity Report.

Discover the infographic showcasing the results for the key performance indicators 2023.