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Cultural diversity at work – Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers
Cultural diversity at work – Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers
Event Details
What does safe and healthy collaboration look like in a culturally diverse workplace? How does one convey aspects of occupational safety and health in an international team, in which a variety of views, values and attitudes towards safety can prevail? How does one reach and engage employees - or take away the reluctance to keep asking questions when something is unclear or seems contradictory?
In a diverse world of work, companies looking for skilled workers face the challenge of onboarding newly hired employees with a migration background in a safe and healthy way. What difficulties do they and their employees face in this regard, and how can OSH specialists and labor inspectors provide support?
Other questions discussed at the symposium include:
- How can workplaces be made safe and healthy despite language barriers?
- What does healthy leadership look like in a culturally diverse workplace?
- How does cultural diversity at work contribute to a culture of prevention?
These interactions between migration and occupational safety and health will be the focus of the international symposium "Cultural Diversity at Work – Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers," to be held May 27–29, 2024, in Dresden, Germany.
All contributions are available in German and English. The international symposium is organized by the International Sections on Prevention in Health Services and on Prevention in Transportation of the ISSA.
Dresden seems too far away to travel? Online participation is also possible!
For more information and registration, please have a look here.
Contact: registration [at] issa-cultural-diversity [dot] com (registration[at]issa-cultural-diversity[dot]com)