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A+A 2023: International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health. Session: Promoting sustainable networking of networks

Event Details

BASI - German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health


The idea of this workshop is to promote networking between established OSH networks from ENETOSH, ENSHPO, ISHCCO, OSH-Africa and EU-OSHA on sustainability in occupational safety and health. There is already a long-standing collaboration between the networks in various projects and activities, e.g., as campaign partners of the EU-OSHA Healthy Workplaces Campaign and at the A+A Congress. This aligns well with the Vision Zero approach of the 'EU strategic framework on health and safety at work 2021-2027 - Occupational safety and health in a changing world of work', which includes the dynamics of green, digital and demographic change in Europe.

The Format will be organised in an interactive way. First, a 30 min round table discussion to present the different networks. Second, a world café session where each of the networks presents its approach to sustainability at one discussion table and the participants can walk around and join the discussions. Third, a final summary will close the session.

The project presented by EU-OSHA is researching health and safety activities inside the supply chain, where a buyer or a client with intentional programs or strategies seeks to influence their suppliers to improve health and safety activities. Examples are supplier development programmes, supplier audits or contractual agreements about minimum standards. In the project we are focusing on the agri-food sector and the construction sector. The objective of the presented project is to inspire mutual international learning about effective market leverage instruments for occupational safety and health (OSH) in supply chains.

The ENETOSH session on education for sustainable development aims to strengthen the competences of students, teachers and educational establishments to make qualified decisions for sustainable development. The focus of the session is on examples how a safe and healthy school can contribute to economic, social and ecological sustainability. The examples will show how students can become stakeholders in sustainable development, how they develop action competence and how the school itself as an organisation makes decisions for change and works proactive to fulfil the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The ENSHPO session describes the process of implementing a sustainability perspective in a Safety and Health Department. In a changing world of work it is more necessary than ever for health and safety professionals to incorporate sustainability in their daily work. Through the practical experience of a professional, you will learn the guidelines to incorporate the term sustainability in health and safety management, and what is the relationship in terms of applicability between safety, health, and environment, without forgetting the need of the economic factor, for business success.

The ISHCCO session will discuss sustainability as a duty of the OSH construction coordination. The task and duty of safety and health coordination at construction sites (European guideline 92/57 EU) includes organising and arranging all necessary safety and health obligations in between the companies in total and detail for the construction site. Health and as well safety are included in some of the sustainability goals of the United Nations. Especially the goals: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action contain actions within the coordination duties.

OSHAfrica will present a project on basis first aid response training for divers as an intervention towards Lagos State water transportation mishaps. Water transportation is a sustainable way to deal with increasing traffic, but it can also result in accidents of boat mishaps leading to several deaths by drowning. This training program for divers is designed to bridge the gap in ensuring that victims of boat mishaps are not only rescued from the water but able to get Basic First Aid response to stay alive until professional medical attention comes their way.