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Resources available (6)

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
OHS Reps Union

This web section provides guidance to employers of workers who work remotely and advice to workers to maintain “mental health”.

Guides & Tools Det Forenede Kongerige English
Provider (English)
Health and Safety Practitioner
Provider (Original)
Health and Safety Practitioner

This article, written in the context of Covid-19, includes an info graphic providing tips for home working in imperfect circumstances. It also includes links to other resources, including the WHO EURO guide on how to stay physically active during self-quarantine, a webinar on home worker wellbeing...

Guides & Tools Canada English , French
Provider (English)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health (CCOHS)
Provider (Original)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health (CCOHS)

This fact sheet covers a wide range of health and safety issues related to teleworking. It includes ergonomic tips for setting up a home office; tips for work scheduling (work load) issues; what is an appropriate home office environment, etc.

Guides & Tools Spanien Spanish
Provider (English)
Fundación para la prevención de riesgos laborales
Provider (Original)
Fundación para la prevención de riesgos laborales

This report presents and addresses the issues related to teleworking and health and safety at work. The goal of the study is to determine how the obligations in terms of OSH have to be managed when it comes to home-based telework.

Guides & Tools Det Forenede Kongerige English
Provider (English)

This guide for employers explains how to protect workers and improve efficiency by managing the risks sensibly. It covers mental well-being as well as work equipment, the work environment and travelling as well as health monitoring. It includes an assessment checklist, a feedback checklist for...

Guides & Tools Frankrig French
Provider (English)
CARSAT Nord Picardie
Provider (Original)
CARSAT Nord Picardie

This guide intended to enterprises and workers to help them in the task of assessing the risks and putting in place the preventive measures related to teleworking.