Praktiske værktøjer og vejledning om muskel- og skeletbesvær

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Resources available (12)

Case study Canada English
Provider (English)
RA Guy Foundation
Provider (Original)
RA Guy Foundation

Living with rheumatoid arthritis can often be a very lonely and frightening experience. But when we come together for encouragement and support, we realize that we’re not alone. In this podcast, we talk about the ups and downs, and the laughter and tears that come from living with chronic illness...

Guides & Tools USA English
Provider (English)
Mayo Clinic, USA
Provider (Original)
Mayo Clinic, USA

Arthritic joints can't tolerate as much stress as healthy joints. Pushing, pulling or twisting motions can be painful. Joint protection is a proven strategy to help you manage rheumatoid arthritis pain and perform daily activities more easily. The Mayo Clinic provides on its website joint protection...

Guides & Tools Canada English
Provider (English)
Institute for Work and Health IWH
Provider (Original)
Institute for Work and Health IWH

Youth and young people with rheumatic health conditions such as juvenile arthritis or lupus face unique challenges as they begin their working lives. Working with a rheumatic disease: an interactive tool for youth and young adults is designed to help young people navigate these challenges by...

Guides & Tools USA English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

If you have osteoarthritis, you know how sore joints can impact your daily life. This website provides you with tips on how to minimise the harm that repetitive motions and other workplace strains can place on joints. The experts from WebMd provides tips for people working in an office but also for...

Visual resources Canada English
Provider (English)
Accommodating and Communicating about Episodic Disabilities (ACED)
Provider (Original)
Accommodating and Communicating about Episodic Disabilities (ACED)

People with arthritis can still have productive and fulfilling careers. However, it’s important they take appropriate steps to take care of their condition. In this Arthritis Advice video, Arthritis Society-funded researcher Dr. Arif Jetha, a scientist at the Institute for Work & Health and a member...

Guides & Tools Other English
Provider (English)
NOFSA – National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa
Provider (Original)
NOFSA – National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It develops slowly over several years and is often only diagnosed when a fall or sudden impact causes a bone to break. However, there are several ways to cope with the condition and keep yourself...

Visual resources Guides & Tools Canada English
Provider (English)
Arthritis Society canada
Provider (Original)
Arthritis Society canada

Working with arthritis: Since we spend a significant part of our lives working, it’s important to know how to protect your joints and navigate the issues that can arise when you live with arthritis. This is what the website Arthritis and Work is all about. Whatever kind of work you do, be it paid or...