Praktiske værktøjer og vejledning om muskel- og skeletbesvær

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Resources available (7)

Case study Slovenien English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Employees of the Slovenian insurance company Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. mostly perform desk-based work and risk developing MSDs through computer use. The company used a holistic approach to address mental and physical health through ergonomic measures, promotion of physical activity and awareness...

Guides & Tools Slovenien Slovenian
Provider (English)
The association of free trade unions of Slovenia
Provider (Original)
Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije

Handbook for the detection, evaluation and elimination of ergonomic risks in the workplace. The manual outlines the basic procedures and recommendations for quickly and easily identifying those ergonomic risks in the workplace that can lead to so-called musculoskeletal disorders. Also, this guide...

Guides & Tools Slovenien Slovenian
Provider (English)
National Institute of Public Health
Provider (Original)
Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje

This booklet gives information about physical activity and preventing sedentary behaviour in the work environment. It contains information about the health effects as well as practical tips in order to stay physically active during work.

Guides & Tools Slovenien Slovenian
Provider (English)
The association of free trade unions of Slovenia
Provider (Original)
Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije

This publication for Slovenian workers in 2007 is a part of two related campaigns to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in the European trade unions and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in Bilbao. In this publication, the European trade unions include the true causes of...

Guides & Tools Μalta English
Provider (English)
National Labour Inspection
Provider (Original)
Národný inšpektorát práce

This guide provides information on why a prevention policy needs to be implemented for the prevention of back pain disorders in the health sector. It explains the causes, and provides preventive solutions in the health sector and how to implement them with the help of pictures.

Guides & Tools Μalta English
Provider (English)
Occupational Health and Safety Authority
Provider (Original)
Awtorità għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol

This guide provides information on why a prevention policy needs to be implemented for the prevention of back pain disorders in the transport sector. It explains the causes, and provides preventive solutions in the transport sector and how to implement them with the help of pictures.

Visual resources Guides & Tools Slovenien Slovenian
Provider (English)
Ministry of labor, family, social affairs and equal oppurtunities
Provider (Original)
Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti

This guide contains basic information and instructions on protecting workers from the risk of injuries and spinal injuries at work.