Praktiske værktøjer og vejledning om muskel- og skeletbesvær

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Resources available (11)

Guides & Tools EU, Østrig, Danmark, Finland, Frankrig, Tyskland, Ungarn, Italien, Nederlandene, Spanien, Sverige English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This synthesis report is part of a much larger project intended to support policy-makers at EU and national levels by providing an accurate picture of the prevalence and costs of MSDs across Europe, pulling together existing data from a number of relevant and reliable official statistical sources...

Guides & Tools Det Forenede Kongerige English
Provider (English)
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Provider (Original)
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

The global burden of chronic pain is growing with implications for both an ageing workforce and employers. Many obstacles are faced by people with chronic pain in finding employment and returning to work after a period of absence. Few studies have explored obstacles to return-to-work (RTW) from...

Guides & Tools Italien Italian
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

The aim of this report is to take a snapshot of the impact of rheumatological diseases on the social and working lives of patients.

Guides & Tools Det Forenede Kongerige English
Provider (English)
Liberty Mutual Group
Provider (Original)
Liberty Mutual Group

Liberty Mutual has updated the manual material handling tables originally published by Snook in 1978, and by Snook and Ciriello in 1991. The new “Liberty Mutual Manual Materials Handling Tables” provide both the male and female population percentages capable of performing manual material handling...

Guides & Tools Kroatien Croatian
Provider (English)
Croatian institute of public health - department of occupational health
Provider (Original)
Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo - služba za medicinu rada

This guideline was developed as a professional recommendation how to avoid long- term sitting at the workplace and thereby reduce the negative impact of the risks arising from long-term sitting. This guideline has the purpose of recognizing risks at workplaces where long-term sitting can be avoided.

Guides & Tools Det Forenede Kongerige English
Provider (English)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Provider (Original)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC) is a tool aimed at employers, health and safety managers and safety representatives and is used by health and safety inspectors. The tool will help you assess the most common risk factors in lifting (and lowering), carrying and team handling operations and...

Case study EU, Det Forenede Kongerige English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Case study 5.6 in this report: A large retail bakery in the United Kingdom decided to take the opportunity of refurbishment plans to reduce the risk of upper-limb disorders in its predominately female workforce. Independent ergonomists assessed the suitability of its current food preparation benches...