Praktické nástroje a pokyny týkající se muskuloskeletálních poruch

Naše snadno použitelná databáze zahrnuje celou řadu praktických nástrojů a pokynů, které byly vyvinuty na úrovni EU i na úrovni jednotlivých států s cílem zjednodušit pracovištím hodnocení muskuloskeletálních poruch a řízení souvisejících rizik.

Mezi zdroje, které pokrývají celou řadu odvětví, druhů nebezpečí a preventivních opatření, patří případové studie i vizuální materiály. Některé jsou zaměřeny konkrétně na určité subjekty, například zaměstnavatele, pracovníky nebo vedoucí pracovníky, některé na řízení muskuloskeletálních poruch u konkrétních skupin pracovníků. Tyto zdroje je možné filtrovat podle kterékoli z těchto kategorií nebo podle celé řady dalších kritérií, takže bez problémů najdete přesně to, co hledáte.

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Resources available (6)

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
Worksafe Australia
Provider (Original)
Worksafe Australia

This guide provides information on how to conduct a risk assessment on manual tasks identified as being hazardous. In this information, several references to other sources of information which cab be useful on this topic, are given. This guideline is a good starting point for entrepreneurs and/or...

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
Worksafe Autralia
Provider (Original)
Worksafe Autralia

PErforM is a simple manual task risk management program which provides "a framework to help employers engage with workers at all levels to identify, assess and control manual tasks risks within their workplace. The idea of PErforM is that the worker is the expert in performing their work tasks." The...

Visual resources Australia English
Provider (English)
Worksafe Australia
Provider (Original)
Worksafe Australia

This film shows how businesses across various industries are identifying and managing hazardous manual tasks. The film will walk you through a process to help you engage with your workers to identify hazardous manual tasks, assess the risks, identify controls and monitor their suitability to reduce...

Guides & Tools Polsko Polish
Provider (English)
National Labour Inspectorate
Provider (Original)
Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy

The publication presents the most important principles of organisation and ways of performing work in sitting and standing positions, related to manual transport and activities such as lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing in hospitals, nursing homes and nursing homes.

Guides & Tools Polsko Polish
Provider (English)
National Labour Inspectorate
Provider (Original)
Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy

This brochure is designed for managers and employees of retail facilities, especially those who work in manual handling, working in conditions that are not adapted to their physical and mental requirements or at risk of cold. The managerial staff will learn how to organize work in accordance with...

Visual resources Guides & Tools Island Icelandic
Provider (English)
Administration of Occupational Safety and Health
Provider (Original)
Vinnueftirlit ríkisins

This brochure related to ergonomics is intended to help reduce and prevent MSDs at the workplace.