Guidelines for nursing homes - ergonomics for the prevention of MSDs

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Guidelines for nursing homes - ergonomics for the prevention of MSDs

Guidelines for nursing homes - ergonomics for the prevention of MSDs

Type of item
Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
Occupational Health and Safety Authority
Provider (Original)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration


These guidelines provide recommendations for nursing home employers to help reduce the number  and severity of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in their facilities. MSDs include conditions such as low back pain, sciatica, rotator cuff injuries, epicondylitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The recommendations in these guidelines are based on a review of existing practices and programs, State OSHA programs, as well as available scientific information, and reflect comments received from representatives of trade and professional associations, labour organizations, the medical community, individual firms, and other interested parties. OSHA thanks the many organizations and individuals involved for their thoughtful comments, suggestions, and assistance.


These guidelines provide recommendations for nursing home employers to help reduce the number  and severity of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in their facilities. MSDs include conditions such as low back pain, sciatica, rotator cuff injuries, epicondylitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The recommendations in these guidelines are based on a review of existing practices and programs, State OSHA programs, as well as available scientific information, and reflect comments received from representatives of trade and professional associations, labour organizations, the medical community, individual firms, and other interested parties. OSHA thanks the many organizations and individuals involved for their thoughtful comments, suggestions, and assistance.


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Nepřirozené polohy
Prudké pohyby
Ruční manipulace s břemeny
Opakující se pohyby/práce
Statické polohy – stání
Health effects
Muskuloskeletální poruchy nespecifikovány
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Všichni (žádná konkrétní skupina)
Prevention measures
Odstranění nebezpečí
Zlepšování individuálních pracovních technik (např. pozice při ruční manipulaci)
Jednoduché tipy a opatření
Technická opatření, např. ergonomické vybavení
Purpose of the material
Target audience
Všichni (žádná konkrétní cílová skupina)