OiRA helps preventing workrelated risks in office environments


One of the best covered sectors in OiRA is office work. Find out if there is a tool in your language available!

Office work is often recognised as a low-risk work environment, however, the growing evidence shows a high percentage of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and exposure to psychosocial risks among office workers. Risks arise mainly due to sedentary position, inadequate setting and equipment, demanding responsibilities and long working hours.

There is hardly any company nowadays not having an office workplace. In line with that office work is one of the best covered sectors among OiRA, as there are already 10 available tools for identifying hazards, as well as an additional tool intended for the area of public administration. With two more tools in France and Croatia currently under development, 13 out of 16 national partners offer simple risk assessment solutions for office workplaces. Tools are suitable for working activities in both private and public offices.